So what is it that keeps me going? Many will tell you that they have that "one defining moment" in their lives that changes them forever. If I were to try and pick "one defining moment" what would it be? I have many to choose from!
Lets see...
- The day I went into the Army and became a man... Or at least thats what they told me.
- The first time I jumped out of a perfectly good airplane... What was I thinking!
- The day I was promoted to Sergeant and given charge of 10 soldiers... Drop and give me twenty!
- Perhaps the day I was shot by a Cuban soldier in Grenada... That was coollll!
- Maybe the day I had to brief dignitaries at a radar site on the DMZ in Korea... The "Show" site!
These are just a handful of meaningful events from my Army days that were important, but there not quite important enough...
- Perhaps it was the day I met my future wife... Or the day her mom sent the police to find me.
- Proposing was just words... Until she said yes!
- Our first home... And our first business to keep us busy.
- It's Calyn... My wife was scared to death of having a boy.
- It's a boy... I think she's ready now!
- Any history of twins... Imagine Tim "the Toolman" Taylor grunting and Lucille Ball crying.
These are really meaningful, but something's still missing...
- What about Hepatitis C... Lab tests confirm.
- The biopsy confirms scaring and stage two cirrhosis... I have to inject myself???
- Your daughter has Prader-Willi Syndrome... and there is no cure.
I have had quite an eventful life, and to pick one moment as a turning point... Would be like saying a cruise ship can be turned on a dime! My life has been leading, pushing, pulling, motivating and inspiring me to arrive at my current destination. And this is just another of many stops along this journey. I am my life's creation and still a work in progress.
I will continue along... taking my vitamins & supplements, eating a healthy diet, learning & getting the most out of Yoga, involving myself in activities with my children and staying up to date on the issues that affect my families health, especially for my daughter who has Prader-Willi Syndrome and for myself, as I battle Hepatitis C.
I will continue on, marching with time into my 60's, 70's and 80's living new adventures and sharing my stories.